This innovative battery can charge to 80% in less than 5 minutes, it has an energy efficiency of over 90%, and it is free of heavy metals. Engineered by the IBM Research team, the battery is made from more eco-friendly materials sourced from seawater. Using three materials extracted from the seawater, the IBM research team could spearhead advances to creating more sustainable batteries.
The low-cost of sourcing the material will undoubtedly revolutionize the electric-vehicle market. Calculated from the ratio of energy to discharge the battery divided by the power to charge the battery, it has over 90% energy efficiency.
IBM Research is known for its long history in advancing materials sciences. This new and revolutionary battery design will bring environmentally friendly solutions for manufacturing new batteries that will give the competition the conventional nickel and cobalt batteries known to bring environmental and humanitarian risks. The new design could change the future of electric vehicle batteries and perform better than lithium-Ion across several sustainable technologies.
The cobalt and nickel-free cathode material constitute a liquid electrolyte with a high flash point. This liquid electrolyte is very safe with reduced flammability as it subdues lithium metal dendrites when charging. Flammability is one disadvantage of using lithium metals as anode materials. Cobalt and nickel, however, have been crucial in the development of the current battery technology used in laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles.
In the initial tests, the battery proved it can be optimized to surpass the capabilities of lithium-ion batteries. It also can be designed for a long-life cycle. It has an extremely high-power density of more than 10,000 W/L, higher than that of conventional batteries. The high energy density sits at more than 800Wh/L, which matches that of a high-end lithium battery.
Using Semantic enrichment and AI technology, the engineers at IBM were able to improve the overall battery performance in the design. In collaboration with Mercedes Benz Research, Sidus, Central Glass, and Development North America, they were able to formulate a next-generation battery development plan. The battery could see an application in several markets for different applications, including power grids, electric drones, and aerial transport.
IBM Research has been using artificial intelligence techniques to discover unexplored safer materials. The team believes the battery will outdo the current battery technology in charging time, costs, flammability, and efficiency.