Tips to be a Safe Driver

Tips to be a Safe Driver

With the roads becoming increasingly more dangerous, it’s never been more crucial to practice safe driving. Here are some tips on how to stay out of harm’s way while behind the wheel. Don’t Lose Focus It’s not uncommon for drivers to gear up for a ride while their...
Steps to Take When in a Car Accident

Steps to Take When in a Car Accident

Every year in the United States, roughly six million car accidents take place, ranging from the most minor single-car incidents to crowded interstate pile-ups involving dozens of vehicles.  Averaging these six million crashes out across the 365 days per year, roughly...
Window Tinting Laws in New Jersey

Window Tinting Laws in New Jersey

When most people think of window tinting, they usually just think about the aesthetic and practical applications of tint. However, there are also certain legalities that motorists need to consider. Not all types of tint and placements of tint are legal. In the state...